Very happy to announce MICHAEL HOCKEY styles PICASSO and JR are now available on leading website if you dont know it - you should! Exposing the world to an enclave of young hipster fashion brands from around the world, allowing them to upload their lookbook for the world to see. Of the 6000 or so brands registered a select few are invited to sell also, MICHAEL HOCKEY being one of them....we've not been up 1 week yet and already sold the PICASSO in ruby. A fantastic loafer update, with a stylish low cut and heel - think a velvet slipper with a heel. The ruby colourway is perforated patent leather with a tan trim. Very fun and very wearable.
All shoes are handmade for individual orders, so you are guaranteed these are made exclusively for you!! Check it out and order today!

The current MICHAEL HOCKEY collection is inspired by artists. What the artist might have worn while painting, what the characters might be wearing in the artwork. The PICASSO is what I imagined picasso wearing while painting. On the back heel two cut pieces interlock when the heels are closed together, indicative of the faces in some of his paintings...
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